Surprising Greensboro, North Carolina

The Greensboro Coffee Cups Collaborative Walk is a self guided walking tour featuring 8 sculptures.  Their brochure describes it this way: “ On Feb. 1, 1960, the sit-in movement began.  This historic event was commemorated by the creation of 8 bronze coffee cups. Installed throughout the downtown Greensboro & dedicated on the 50th anniversary of the inspired event when four African American students were refused service when ordering coffee, each bronze sculpture is placed on a stone pedestal, featuring the quote of an outstanding figure.”  It was like a scavenger hunt and we found/saw all but one of them but in interest of space, I’ll just share a couple.

Greensboro is where, on Feb. 1, 1960 staged the first lunch counter sit-in that became a movement that spread across many of the southern states.  It took place in the Woolsworth Five & Dime Store led by N.C Agriculture & Technical College students, Ezell Blair, Franklin McCain, Joseph McNeil and David Richmond and though it took 6 months, they and the hundreds that came to join them, succeeded in integrating the lunch counters via their non violent strategy.

Unfortunately, photos are not allowed in any of the museums galleries, but the original lunch counters, along with 1960 lunch prices are still there.